Dzanc Books is proud to announce its forthcoming catalogue, signing another five exciting authors to publish six works of fiction over the next three years. We will also publish an annual series titled The Best of the Web, an anthology of stories, poetry and non-fiction originally published online.
In addition to the titles previously listed in our catalogue by Roy Kesey, Yannick Murphy and Peter Markus, we will be publishing the following:
* Best of the Web 2007, edited by Nathan Leslie, guest editor tba - Spring '08
* Based on a True Story, a trio of novellas, by Hesh Kestin - Fall '08
* The Death of Purple, stories, by Michael Czyzniejewski - Winter '09
* Best of the Web 2008 - Spring '09
* Misfits and other Heroes, stories, by Suzanne Burns - Summer '09
* Kamby Bolongo Mean River, a novel, by Robert Lopez - Fall '09
* Best of the Web 2009 - Spring '10
* The Devil's Moor (tentative title) , stories, by Stefan Kiesbye - Summer '10
* <Untitled>, stories, by Robert Lopez - Fall '10
These will bring the Dzanc catalogue up to a total of 15 titles by 2010, and we are getting very close to finding the titles that will be Dzanc’s first African and European books as well.
Some information about the above listed authors:
Hesh Kestin is a recovering foreign correspondent who reported on local wars, global business and exotic mayhem in Europe, the Middle East and Africa for such publications as Forbes, Newsday and the Jerusalem Post, and wrote for US magazines as diverse as Playboy and Inc. Cited by “Media Guide” for best foreign correspondence, his work has garnered Clarion and National Headliner awards and constant threats of reprisal. “If they don’t wave a gun or call in the lawyers,” he says, “You’re not doing your job.” Before hanging up his trench-coat to return to his roots as a novelist he founded the Israeli daily The Nation and the prize-winning expatriate weekly The American, and wrote a non-fiction book, “21st-Century Management” [Grove Atlantic], about a major software company whose leadership is currently in federal prison. Kestin now lives in the
Hamptons, the New York exurb where the greatest danger is being run down by a Ferrari –and likes it that way. “In fiction if someone pulls an AK-47 on you,” he explains, “you just make sure it jams.” Set in World-War-II Africa, Polynesia and Hollywood, the three novellas that make up Based On A True Story –by turns comic and tragic, erotic and violent, global and intensely personal-- reveal the roots of contemporary life in a world at war with itself.
Michael Czyzniejewski was born in Chicago and grew up in its south suburbs.
He attended the University of Illinois, where he received his BA, and Bowling Green State University, where he earned an MFA. After graduating from BGSU, he stuck around, and has taught English courses there, including composition, creative writing, editing, and literature, ever since. At the same time, he has worked as an editor of Mid-American Review, serving as Editor-in-Chief since 2000. His stories have appeared in journals such as StoryQuarterly, Quarterly West, Another Chicago Magazine, American Short Fiction, Other Voices, New Orleans Review, Bat City Review, Northwest Review, Quick Fiction, among many others, while one was reprinted in Pushcart Prize XXXI. Since 1989, he has also worked at Wrigley Field, selling beer in the aisles since his 21st birthday. He currently lives in Bowling Green with his wife and son.
Suzanne Burns has previously published two collections of poetry, Blight from Archer Books and The Flesh Procession from Bleak House Books. Her writing has been nominated for four Pushcart Prizes and she is the recipient of two poetry fellowships. She is a freelance editor who is currently working on a new novel.
Robert Lopez is the author of Part of the World, a novel from Calamari Press. His fiction and poetry has appeared in dozens of journals, including; Bomb, The Threepenny Review, The Mississippi Review, Indiana Review, New England Review, New Orleans Review, Blackbird, Nerve, etc. He teaches at The New School in New York City.
Stefan Kiesbye received an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Michigan. His novella, Next Door Lived a Girl, was published by Lofi Press. His short fiction has been published widely, and been included in Stumbling and Raging: More Politically Inspired Fiction. Some of his work can (soon) be read in Hobart, The Stickman Review, Konundrum Literary Engine and The St. Petersburg Review. Stefan lives in Ann Arbor with his wife Sanaz.
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