In response to Tin House's new submission policy, we at Dzanc
Books are motivated to reply with what we hope is an alternative
solution to one of the issues Tin House seems to be raising; to
wit the decline of books being purchased - and purchased at independent
bookstores. Rather than tie our concerns to the submissions we
receive at Dzanc - and our lit reviews and imprints: The Collagist,
Monkeybicycle and Absinthe, OV Books, Black Lawrence Press, Keyhole and
Starcherone - we would like to make the following offer which we feel
will better serve the desire to support independent bookstores and the
purchase of books. For the month of July, we at Dzanc will donate a
book to a school/library for each proof of purchase provided to us of a
book bought at an independent bookstore. The book bought should be a
work of literary fiction, though does not have to be a book published by
Dzanc Books or any of our imprints. Simply send a copy of your receipt
to the address below and Dzanc will donate a new book to a
library/school of your choosing.
Steven Gillis
Dzanc Books
2702 Lillian
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Steven Gillis
Dzanc Books
2702 Lillian
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
By a work of literary fiction at your local indie bookstore, and Dzanc will donate a book to a school or library. Everyone have Tinkers?
Posted by: Apps 55753818692 691729415 B957a8c85306707606a69058fd9c56ad | July 05, 2010 at 12:17 PM