Nice Things Said Re: EWN

  • "Dan Wickett is serious about a good read. But the EWN email list doesn't just deliver his sure-footed reviews; it also brings you news and connections to other writers. Sign up now - he understands what readers want to know about books." Quinn Dalton, author, Bulletproof Girl
  • 1.
    "Mr. Wickett is that rarely heard from but best of all possible reviewers - the dedicated and knowledgeable fan. He writes clean-cutting and fresh reviews that represent a sensibility unspoiled by over-exposure to the biz of books, but deeply in love with them." Daniel Woodrell, author, Winter's Bone
  • 3.
    "Dan Wickett is a reader's best friend. Not only does he read and trenchantly review new work, but he looks back to books that deserve ongoing readership. I've lost track of the number of times he's led me to boks that I overlooked (or never knew about), and that were a delight. There aren't many reviewers I will let shape my library, but Dan Wickett is one." Erin McGraw, author, The Baby Tree

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    « January 16, 2006 | Main | Get Lit Journals! Progress Report »

    January 07, 2006



    This is an incredible offer. I wonder if you would have any success if you approached Canadian literary journals about it?

    Dan Wickett

    The journals I initially contacted for this project were those that participated in the Lit Journal Editor E-Panels during 2005. Since Saturday's posting, 3 more journals have requested to be added and have. If others are interested, they only need to contact me.


    I'll be picking my journals over the next couple days. This is a terrific and saintly idea, Dan.


    As writers we should be more supportive of the hands that feed us. Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention.


    do you think it's possible for literary magazines to get more of a broad audience? how can we make these magazines reach people who AREN'T writers--people who read for the sake of reading...are they just not marketed properly?

    Marie Shield

    I would like to purchase one copy each of several journals. I can't find a bookstore that carries them (Pasadena CA) nor can I find a place to order them on the internet.


    Hi, Dan.

    I submitted to a magazine recently and received an auto-response that linked to this post. Is your offer still good? Or: Are you planning to put together a new offer in the new year?


    Amanda McQuade

    West Goes South, an independent literary journal, seeks submissions of poetry, flash fiction, non-fiction, and art for its first issue. Submissions should follow the theme "the longest day" and invoke interesting illustrations while holding a sense of the past. Please see website for details:

    Thank you,

    The Editors.

    f.w. butler

    May I put a good word in for Butler's Quarterly, an online literary journal, looking for talented writers?

    Joe Dugan

    Feeling discouraged? Wishing you could share your creative work with a broader audience? Interested in travel?

    Visit - A Literary Review for Writers Abroad. Check out our contest for a chance to earn some money in celebration of your creative stories, essays, and poetry.

    Jessica Keener

    As a fiction editor at Agni magazine, where we publish many award-winning stories, one of my greatest thrills is finding and publishing first time writers. But even more thrilling, perhaps, is the freedom I have to publish stories without regard to the story’s salability factor (whatever that really means). When I read for Agni, I focus on the writing, the voice, and vision of the piece as it is defined by the writer’s own, unique creative terms. What joy!


    Tav is looking for submissions for its second issue. Tav is a multi-media periodical featuring The Canda Verses, full-color art works, Character Bank, and other creative works, accepting submissions for art, writing, music, and film. Check out the website for more details.

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