Spent a bit of time yesterday cleaning up some of the links on the sides here at the EWN Blog and thought I'd point out some of the new material for all of you to run off an enjoy:
Recent adds to the Litblog list:
Storyglossia - a great Lit Journal and excellent individual story analysis on the blog
Syntax of Things - How in the hell I avoided adding this one for so long I have no idea - great look at both literature and other pop culture (if literature even qualifies as POP culture anymore)
Short Story Craft - SD Byrd's very fine and recent addition to the litblogosphere in which he deconstructs stories and looks at various aspects of the writing techniques used
Perpetual Folly - Clifford Garstang's look at the literary world - some very nice looks at individual issues of literary journals seem to come in waves
Books for Breakfast - While not as insane as Lauren Baratz-Logsted (I'm lazy, but somewhere in January I posted about her efforts to read 365 books in 2005) - Kirstin plans on reading and reviewing 146 books in 2006. Some nice recent looks at Rupert Thomson
Katrina Denza - The authors look at the literary world. Nicely, it often surrounds her own work and literary journals
NewPages.com - You ARE all reading this one regularly right? The most comprehensive reviewing of literary journals I've been able to find out on the market, plus an entertaining blog, etc.
Metaxucafe Litblog Network - A one stop shopping trip for all that is the literary blog with links galore
And for those who may have missed it, the following blogs have set themself up in some nice new abodes:
The Millions (A Blog of Books)
A new addition to the literary journals page:
Verb - an audioquarterly - a great concept, a literary journal on CD
I think that's about it - do check them out - I wouldn't have linked to them if it wasn't worth your time to do so.
One I forgot all about - mainly because I would have sworn I had it linked to all along:
Practicing Writer - Erika Dreifus tracks all sorts of work on writing, contests, Low-Residence MFA Programs, etc.