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    "Mr. Wickett is that rarely heard from but best of all possible reviewers - the dedicated and knowledgeable fan. He writes clean-cutting and fresh reviews that represent a sensibility unspoiled by over-exposure to the biz of books, but deeply in love with them." Daniel Woodrell, author, Winter's Bone
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    "Dan Wickett is a reader's best friend. Not only does he read and trenchantly review new work, but he looks back to books that deserve ongoing readership. I've lost track of the number of times he's led me to boks that I overlooked (or never knew about), and that were a delight. There aren't many reviewers I will let shape my library, but Dan Wickett is one." Erin McGraw, author, The Baby Tree

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    April 06, 2006


    Katrina Denza

    I wouldn't mind the reviews before the publication--I'd simply make a note of the book for the future. I think it's a good idea to get talk going about a book before it's available.

    steven gillis

    Reviews written prior to a book coming out defeat the purpose of allowing a good review to serve as a catalyst for the reader to immediately go out and purchase the work. Particularly now, with on-line shopping at our fingertips, as a nation of impulse purchasers, nearly all writers and publishers prefer reviews to come out at the same time the book is first available.


    I wonder if blogs and reviews should be considered separately and if some of the tension Dan feels owes to his awareness of their separate natures? I agree, in the main, that a traditional review is probably most effective if it runs when the book is available, but blogs seem much more about an ongoing conversation, one freed from the constraints of print, so that trying to organize a review around the pub-date somewhat distorts what blogs do best. With blogs, you want to be a part of the general conversation; with a review, you want that whole conversation to focus on you, just for a moment. Something like that. I imagine that a new sense of things will evolve over time. Myself, I read blogs daily, and have no qualms about contacting bloggers or participating in the conversation, whereas I check print reviews only on occasion, and would feel creepy and somewhat unethical writing to someone who'd reviewed my book --I believe that at least the illusion of a separation between reviewer and reviewed is part of that game. But the conversation of blogs invites participation.

    Frank Wilson

    I try to run reviews as near to pub date as possible. If it's going to be a bit early, I call the publicist. Usually, no one cares if it's a day or two before. But you shouldn't run a review so much before pub date that the reader of the review can't get a copy in the local bookstore.

    Bill Peschel

    Publish a review before the pub date?




    Excuse me. The thought of *trying* to get a review in before the pub date has a tendency to tickle me.

    So, no, I certainly don't have any problem adhering to the date. In fact, while I love seeing my review in the newspaper I write for, I also like publishing it online, because I stand a better chance of having it appear close to publication than the Sunday after ... or two Sundays after ... or the 'oops, we were going to run it, but the clown story came in 20 inches too long so you got bumped another week' story.

    The only other thing I do is I'll sometimes comment on a book I'm reading for review, but I assume publicists wouldn't have a problem with that (barring the revealing of spoilers, which would be justification for an auto da fe of the reviewer).

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