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    June 09, 2007


    Andrew Ervin

    Thanks for this, Dan. I appreciate it a lot. And I also love that you pulled the quote you did. I wrote the first draft of this story in Budapest in 1997 & submitted it to the Hungarian Quarterly. The rejection letter from the editor said, "It seems your main concern was finding expression for the contempt you feel for contemporary art, your colleagues, people in general." Obviously, that had to go in subsequent drafts.

    Thanks again,

    Dan Wickett

    My big hope now, Andrew, is that emerging writers read that and realize that you spent 9 years plugging this story. Working it, reworking it, submitting it, etc. until it was ready and taken for publication.

    Jack Pendarvis

    Gosh, I hate to be a wet blanket, but I don't think the magazine is the Oxford American, as you say. I think it is Oxford Magazine. Of course, that doesn't invalidate anything you say about the story! I'm just picking nits.

    Dan Wickett

    Jack, I'm guessing nobody has EVER accused you of being a wet blanket. Being a monster fan of the OA, I'm sure that's what was popping the synapses between the time I read Oxford Magazine and actually typed the "words."

    At least I got the link right, and better yet, I've got you reading this blog!

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