Not that they earned very many over the past couple of years, at least not per the expectations of one Ed Champion. And, now they've lost their chance to earn any more, as Ed is closing shop over at The Return of the Reluctant.
Sad as I am that I'll have nothing new to read over at his blog, I have to realize that's a pretty selfish sadness. As one happy to call Ed a friend, I couldn't be happier for him. The reason that he's shutting down his blog is that his life has transformed quite drastically since he began it back in 2003. He is no longer working that dreary day job that had him looking for an outlet for his creativity. He's now living in New York, freelancing his ass off, putting more effort into his own novel and drama, and trying to figure out how to develop a new project that revolves around old-time radio programs and the internet. Not to mention his Bat Segundo podcast interviews, which have developed from merely really good when he began, to truly excellent this past year.
Having gone through a semi-similar transition this past year and a half, and finding my own self much happier about most things in general, and not just my day job, I couldn't be much happier for Ed. It's worth missing out on his thoughtful posts, his crazy posts and even his verging on mean-spirited posts, to see him find his milieu (to drop an Ed word on you).
So wander on over and browse through his work, and absolutely listen to as many of the Bat Segundo shows as you can, and continue wandering to that site in the future as I'm sure Ed has many great interviews in production progress at this time.