Quick Fiction 15 is now available and, as usual, is chock full of goodness in the form of very short stories. 28 of them in all, a cool cover and some of those stories are from names you've come to recognize around here: Elizabeth Ellen, Stefan Kiesbye, Randall Brown, Sean Lovelace, James Scott, Jensen Whelan, Mike Young and (wow!) Lee Martin - it's been so long since I read his chapbook, Traps, that I forgot he used to write the very short story.
It's also always nice to read Quick Fiction and find some authors that I've either heard of but not read much of - Andrea Kneeland, Lydia Copeland, Scott Garson, Blythe Winslow - and enjoy them quite a bit, or discover authors that I'm sure I should have heard of but hadn't prior to the issue being in my hands - Dylan Nice, Don Strange, Spencer Wise, and others, and again, enjoy a lot.
It's another solid issue. If flash is your thing, you probably already have it in hand. If you've been thinking of delving into a little flash fiction, it's a good place to start.