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    April 02, 2011


    Sandra Kolankiewicz

    Thank you so much for mentioning my poem! What a thrill! While this poem is very much about raising pigeons (the Orlean article featured a young girl who was moving because her mother was remarrying--and thus the girl had to give up her pigeons, which I thought was very sad), I was also trying to express the whole range of emotions associated not only with parenting but also with finding myself parenting a 'suddenly' autistic son. O how I would love to toss him metaphorically into the air and watch him fly! Maybe some day. Anyway, your comments made me really happy, and I appreciate them very much.

    Dan Wickett

    I'm glad to read that, Sandra. And to be honest, I did believe that there was certainly commentary on the idea of parenting too--the idea of 'if you knew this, would you have jumped in with both feet' sort of thing. I appreciate the feedback and additional details. Good luck with everything.


    Sandra Kolankiewicz

    I would still jump in. Parenting is the best thing that ever happened to me. But one has to be prepared also to have one's heart broken a little. I supposed anything worth having involves risk. This is a very nice site you have here! I have learned a lot while perusing it. Thank you so much!

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