Omicrom Ceti III by Thomas P. Balázs
Published 1/28/12 by Aqueous Books, 258 pages
The Quick Look here will not be a full review as it will signify I've not read the whole book but wanted to get word of it out to EWN readers. A quick search of the title so that I could find a cover image for this post helped explain a thing or two--this comes from an episode of Star Trek in which the protagonist has a thing about the number three. The collection contrains a three sections of three stories each. The two that I've read so far, "Niddah," and "The Sea of Faith," both deal with characters that have others in their lives but are also pushing themselves toward being more isolated than maybe one would expect.
Balázs has an interesting style through the stories I've read--he's somewhere between black humor and bleak while keeping his characters more upbeat while they work toward being alone. It's a highwire act and he's able to make it all the way across each time. His characters seem headed to places his readers wouldn't want to go but we follow them very willingly as he gives us ample reason to.
I'm looking forward to finishing the collection and writing more about it.