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    June 22, 2012



    Ok. Why am I just discovering his genius?!!! (and yes, I mean "discovering" in a strictly colonial/exploitative/Columbian (as in Christopher) way in that it was something that already existed and I am just becoming aware of it.) I just finished I Am Not Sidney Poitier and, like a bad transplant, (and yes, that is a very tasteless allusion to the Gary Coleman allusion in the book) my body is rejecting all non P.E. text. I have a stack I am ripping through between tweets. (That sounds sooooo flatulent!)

    Dan Wickett

    glad to see there's another big PE fan visiting around here.


    Yes, Dan! Poitier was the first one I read and I am HOOKED! I ordered Erasure through Amazon and requested 6 more from my local library. I am a junkie. Have you ever heard him read and discuss his work in person?

    Dan Wickett

    I have not. I've simply read everything he's published, reviewed all but one of the books so far here at the EWN, done an email interview with him, and soon will be publishing, via Dzanc Books, a handful of his back list in eBook form!


    Wow, Dan. "Simply." :)

    Patrick Gulke

    I share the Everett enthusiasm. Can't wait for the new book. Did you hear the podcast of the event he and Steve Erickson did together a few months back? He read from the new novel.
    Also wondering whether a piece I found floating on line called "confluence" has become part of the forthcoming novel. By the description it seems so.

    Dan, can i ask which early titles will be available as ebooks? I loved the Body of Marin Aguilera & that's a hard one to track down.

    Emerging Writers Network

    Thanks, Patrick--I missed that podcast and "confluence" and need to go search for both.

    eBooks will include:

    · For Her Dark Skin
    · The Weather and Women Treat Me Fair
    · Suder
    · Walk Me to the Distance
    · Cutting Lisa
    · The Body of Martin Aguilera

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