Casey Pycior with some answers for us about stories and his collection, The Spoils.
EWN: Your short story collection, The Spoils, was published in 2017. What story within the collection had the earliest publication history outside of being in the collection, and what was that history?
CASEY: The two oldest stories in The Spoils, “Home Shopping” and “Chasing a Leak” have an interesting publishing history. “Home Shopping,” was published by REAL in 2011, and it was my first print publication. “Chasing a Leak,” which I begin working on in 2009, was one of the last stories in the manuscript to be published (after 80+ rejections!). It appeared in The MacGuffin in 2016.
EWN: How did the publication of this particular collection come about? Were you solicited by the publisher, win a contest, agent submission, etc.?
CASEY: I sent versions of the manuscript to contests and small presses for a little over two years. The book was a finalist for the Iowa/John Simmons Short Fiction Award two years in a row. It was ultimately accepted by Switchgrass Books / NIU Press in fall of 2015.
EWN: Where do short stories fit within your life as an author? Primary form to work with, or something you write when an idea hits, or …?
CASEY: I see myself as primarily a short story writer. I love the all that the form can do. It’s the form I started with, and though I’m not opposed to trying to tackle a novel one day, I don’t ever see myself abandoning the short story form.
EWN: Where do short stories fit within your life as a reader?
CASEY: I read far more short story collections every year than novels. Don’t get me wrong, I love the way you can be absorbed in the world of a long novel for a few weeks at a time. Novels are kind of like vacations in that way. I usually have a great time, but I’m always glad to get back home to short stories.
Also, as a creative writing professor and Fiction Editor of Southern Indiana Review, I read hundreds and hundreds of stories in manuscript every year.
EWN: How will you be celebrating National Short Story Month this May?
CASEY: Honestly, now that the semester is over, probably catching up on reading stories for SIR! I’m sure I’ll make time for a few collections as well.
EWN: Thank you very much for your time!
CASEY: It was my pleasure, Dan! Thanks for all you do for writers!
Casey Pycior was born and raised in Kansas City, and earned his MFA in fiction writing at Wichita State University and his PhD in Creative Writing at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He was awarded the 2015 Charles Johnson Fiction Prize at Crab Orchard Review, and his work has appeared in Beloit Fiction Journal, Midwestern Gothic, Harpur Palate, BULL, Wigleaf, and Yalobusha Review, among many other places. Casey’s debut short story collection, The Spoils, was published in early 2017 with Switchgrass Books. He’s an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Southern Indiana, and the Fiction Editor of Southern Indiana Review. He lives in Evansville, Indiana with his wife and son.
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